FAQ e-JKKP7 System
Occupational Health Division is made up of doctors, head nurses, nurses, assistant environmental health officer and assistant inspector of factories and machinery. The main objectives of this division is to enforce occupational health related legal requirements and encourage the adoption of health promotion and health protection in all workplaces. Occupational Health Division consists of two sections, namely the Occupational Medicine Section and Accreditation Section
Functions of Occupational Health Division
Functions of Occupational Health Division
- Monitor occupational disease and poisoning notifications reported and assist in the investigation of diseases and poisoning in the states
- Monitor the investigation of occupational diseases in the states
- Conduct investigations of occupational diseases for ex-gratia compensation of government employees in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance
- Analyzing occupational disease and poisoning reports from the states and prepare compilation reports
- To provide advice to state officials, outside agencies, health practitioners and those related to occupational health
- Register and renew the certificate of Occupational Health Doctors under the Use and Standards of Chemicals Hazardous to Health Regulations 2000 (USECHH 2000)
- Monitor health and medical surveillance activities of the Occupational Health Doctors
- Planning seminars, courses or dialogues for improving occupational health awareness
- Assist in the implementation of the industry Code of Practice HIV / AIDS and Drug and Alcohol in the workplace
- Download the application form from the website www.dosh.gov.my
- Fill up the application form
- Provides DOSH with the following documents and information:
- 2 pieces of latest passport-size colored photograph
- A detailed resume regarding work experiences in Occupational Safety & Health including supervisors and referees
- A certified true copy of attendance certificate of Occupational Health relevant courses, seminars, colloquium etc
- A certified true copy of Academic and Professional qualification
- A certified true copy of APC
- A certified true copy of Identity Card (passport for foreigners)
- Latest workplace address, hand phone no, office phone no, and email address
- The completed forms along with the required items shall be forwarded to:
Department of Occupational Safety & Health Malaysia,
(Ministry of Human Resource),
Level 2, 3 & 4, Block D3, Complex D
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
62530 Putrajaya
Occupational Health Doctor is NOT AN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SPECIALIST UNLESS stated as Occupational Health Physician (Field specialization in Occupational Health) by the Public Health Department, Office of the Deputy Director General of Health (Public Health), Ministry of Health Malaysia according to Order 27, Chapter F, General Orders for Medical Officer appointment as Specialist
The address of the respective department for Occupational Health Physician recognition is:
Standard and Quality Unit,
Ministry of Health Malaysia,
Level 8, Block E10, Parcel E,
Federal Government Administrative Center,
62590 W.P. Putrajaya Tel: 03-88834022 Fax: 03-88834017
Standard and Quality Unit,
Ministry of Health Malaysia,
Level 8, Block E10, Parcel E,
Federal Government Administrative Center,
62590 W.P. Putrajaya Tel: 03-88834022 Fax: 03-88834017
- Download the application form from the website www.dosh.gov.my
- Fill up the application form
- Attach the following documents:
- 2 pieces of latest passport size colored photograph
- A certified true copy of the certificate of attendance of relevant courses with OSH
- A certified true copy of attendance certificate of Occupational Health relevant courses, seminars, colloquium etc
- A certified true copy of APC
- Medical surveillance report done 3 years prior to this renewal application
- A certified true copy of the certificate of attendance of relevant courses regarding Occupational Health 3 years prior to this renewal application
- Original expired OHD Certificate
- The completed forms along with the required items shall be forwarded to:
Department of Occupational Safety & Health Malaysia,
(Ministry of Human Resource),
Level 2, 3 & 4, Block D3, Complex D
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
62530 Putrajaya
- Masters of Public Health (Occupational Health) UKM 4 years
- Sarjana Sains Kemasyarakatan (Occupational Health) UKM 18 months
- Diploma Siswazah Kesihatan Pekerjaan/DSKP, UKM
- Sarjana Kesihatan Masyarakat (Occupational Health) USM 4 tahun
- Sarjana Kesihatan Masyarakat (Occupational Health) UM 4 tahun
- *Masters of Science (Occupational Health), London
- *Masters of Science in Occupational Medicine, Singapore
- *Masters of Medicine (Occupational Medicine/Public Health), Singapore
- *Masters of Public Health (Occupational Medicine), Wisconsin USA
- *Masters in Occupational Health, Philippine
- *Diploma in Industrial Health from any University in United Kingdom
- *Post Graduate Diploma or Masters of Health Science (Occupational Medicine, Health & Safety), Edith Cowan, Perth Australia
- *Diploma in Industrial Health, Singapore
- *Diploma in Industrial Health, Otago New Zealand
- *Diploma in Industrial Health, Toronto, Canada
- *Diploma in Occupational Health, Sydney, Australia
- *Associate Member or Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicines, Royal College of Physicians of London
- *Licentiate Member or Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicines, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
- Successfully completed OSH course that's approved by the director and also passed OHD examination that's conducted by NIOSH Malaysia, Bangi
* * Candidate is COMPULSORY to attend course on USECHH 2000 regulation conducted by NIOSH Malaysia, Bangi
No payment required till now
OHD can collect the certificate personally from JKKP head quarters or any JKKP state offices
- Found to have misconduct, malpractice or negligence with respect to medical ethics or has been blacklisted by Malaysian Medical Council
- Has been convicted of an offence under the Act and regulations made under
- Providing DOSH, Employer or factory with fraud or false documents / information (OHD shall have legal action if found guilty of providing fraud documents/information)
- Providing incomplete documents/information
- Forcing or suggesting the factory/employer to do unnecessary test just to make money (Found to have conflict of interest)
- Unable to justify concrete reasons for unnecessary tests done outside the medical surveillance guidelines (Concrete reasons must be from reference textbooks and reliable Occupational/Environmental Health Journals)
- He has failed to perform his duties as an OHD under USECHH 2000 Regulations and Medical Surveillance Guidelines
- He refuses to work with other officers of DOSH (Ministry of Human resources) wherever needed
- Found not active with Occupational Safety and Health activities
- Resigned as a Medical Practitioner
- Failed during interview session with JKKP officers
- Found not qualified to be registered as an OHD
- Under specific circumstances and reasons, confined to the Director General Orders
- Death
This Code of Practice is intended to assist employers and employees to meet their responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 and to address the problem of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. Under Section 15 of OSHA, employers are responsible for ensuring the safety, health and welfare of all employees. Section 24 (1) OSHA also explains that employees are responsible for ensuring reasonable care for the safety and health of himself and others who may be affected by his actions in the workplace. Occupational Health Division was responsible for carrying out the monitoring of compliance with Code of Practice on Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse, Alcohol and Substance in the Workplace at the state level. The monitored employees or workplace were guided on a few aspects, such as policy making, establishment of Committee on Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse, Alcohol and Substance in the Workplace, and training of employees and officers in charge.
Results of monitoring compliance with this Code of Practice on 11 employers across the country revealed that all the employers have implemented the Code of Practice. Awareness of employers in developing and implementing policies and programs on drug abuse prevention, alcohol and substance is important to reduce accidents, absenteeism, high rates of resignation and involvement in crime among its employees due to their effect. It will also help employers improve the quality of products and services offered and thereby increasing overall productivity for their company
Code of Practice on the Prevention and Management of HIV / AIDS at the workplace has been provided by the department in collaboration with representatives from various government agencies, NGOs and international organizations. The purpose of this code of practice is to reduce the spread of HIV / AIDS and to guide employers and employees in managing issues related to HIV / AIDS in the workplace. During the year 2010, a total of 11 employers were monitored to promote adherence to the Code of Practice on the Prevention and Management of HIV / AIDS in the workplace. The activities were carried out using:
- Checklists
- Guidance methods